Closed Session: 5:00 PM Regular Meeting: 6:00 PM
550 E. Sixth Street, Beaumont, CA

Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the City Council after distribution of the agenda packets are available for public inspection in the City Clerk’s office at 550 E. 6th Street during normal business hours.


This meeting will be conducted utilizing teleconference communications and will be recorded for live streaming as well as open to public attendance subject to social distancing and applicable health orders. All City of Beaumont public meetings will be available via live streaming and made available on the City's official YouTube webpage. Please use the following link during the meeting for live stream access:

Public comments will be accepted using the following options.

1. Written comments will be accepted via email and will be read aloud during the corresponding item of the meeting. Public comments shall not exceed three (3) minutes unless otherwise authorized by City Council. Comments can be submitted anytime prior to the meeting as well as during the meeting up until the end of the corresponding item. Please submit your comments to: [email protected]

2. Phone-in comments will be accepted by joining a conference line prior to the corresponding  item of the meeting. Public comments shall not exceed three (3) minutes unless otherwise authorized by City Council. Please use the following phone number to join the call (951) 922 - 4845. 

3. In person comments subject to the adherence of the applicable health orders and social distancing requirements.

In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you require special assistance to participate in thismeeting, please contact the City Clerk's office using the above email or call (951) 572 - 3196. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting will ensure the best reasonable accommodation arrangements.


Mayor Martinez, Mayor Pro Tem Fenn, Council Member Lara, Council Member Voigt, Council Member White

One Case: Mileena Garcia et al. (Case number 5:22-cv-1629-SSS(KKx)

Property: Six Parcels on the Northwest Corner of Beaumont Ave and Eighth street (APN Nos. 415-333-007, 008, 009, 010, 011, 012).  Agency Negotiator: City Manager Elizabeth Gibbs or her designee. Negotiating Parties: City of Beaumont as the Potential Purchaser and Thomas Daniel as Potential Seller. Under Negotiation are Price and Terms.

Significant Exposure to Litigation Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2) and/or (3): One potential case.

Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4): One potential case


Mayor Martinez, Mayor Pro Tem Fenn, Council Member Lara, Council Member Voigt, Council Member White

Amaree Thomas, Jeremiah Hasibuan, Leah Moore, Savannah Sontoski, Theo Harris, Eva Garcia, John Nucasa, Marlowe Ugapo, Mary Jane Diaz

Swearing in of the Beaumont Youth Council Members



Report out from Closed Session
Action on any Closed Session Items
Action of any Requests for Excused Absence
Pledge of Allegiance
Adjustments to the Agenda
Conflict of Interest Disclosure

Any one person may address the City Council on any matter not on this agenda. If you wish to speak, please fill out a “Public Comment Form” provided at the back table and give it to the City Clerk. There is a three (3) minute time limit on public comments. There will be no sharing or passing of time to another person. State Law prohibits the City Council from discussing or taking actions brought up by your comments.

Items on the consent calendar are taken as one action item unless an item is pulled for further discussion here or at the end of action items. Approval of all Ordinances and Resolutions to be read by title only.

  • Recommended Action:

    Ratify Warrants dated: 
    December 20, 2022
    December 28, 2022
    January 6, 2023

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve Minutes dated December 20, 2022.

Receive and file the City’s first Popular Annual Financial Report.

  • Recommended Action:

    Receive and file the City’s first Popular Annual Financial Report.

Maintenance Bond Exoneration for traffic signal improvements at Highland Springs Avenue and Oak Valley Parkway associated with Tract Map No. 37298-1.

  • Recommended Action:

    Accept the public improvements, authorize the Mayor to sign the Certificate of Acceptance, and authorize staff to issue a bond exoneration letter for maintenance bonds for (Project / Bond Number / Improvement):

    • Tract Map No. 37298-1 / CMS331858-M / Traffic Signal

Performance bond exoneration for street improvements associated with Tract Map No. 27971-4, 27971-6, and 27971-8.

  • Recommended Action:

    Authorize City staff to issue a Bond Exoneration Letter for Performance and Payment Bonds and Accept Maintenance Bonds for (Project / Bond Number / Improvement / Maintenance Bond Number):

    • Tract Map No. 27971-4/ PB03010407102 / Street / PB03010407102-M
    • Tract Map No. 27971-6/ PB03010407116 / Street / PB03010407116-M
    • Tract Map No. 27971-8/ PB03010407117 / Street / PB03010407117-M

Staff and administration have been continuously evaluating current positions and staffing levels. As vacancies arise individual department organizational structures are being evaluated and discussed. Finance, Public Works, and the Police Department seek to make changes to their position allocations. The Finance Department seeks to change a Senior Accountant to an Accountant. The Police Department seeks to add an additional Lead Dispatcher and Police Corporal. Public Works seeks to change a Senior Engineer to an Associate Engineer.

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the elimination of one Senior Accountant (SA-01).

    Approve the addition of one Accountant (AC-01).

    Approve the elimination of one Part Time/On-Call Dispatcher (PSD OC-02).

    Approve the addition of one additional Lead Dispatcher (PSD LD-02).

    Approve the elimination of one Police Officer (PO-35).

    Approve the addition of one Police Corporal (PC-07).

    Approve the elimination of one Senior Engineer (SE-01).

    Approve the addition on one Associate Engineer (AE-01).

Establish the City Council’s position on various legislative topics and identify funding priorities for the legislative session.

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the proposed 2023 Legislative Platform and funding priorities. 

Approval of all Ordinances and Resolutions to be read by title only.

Consideration of an amendment to the Fairway Canyon Development Agreement. The proposed amendment includes revisions to Planning Area 20 that subdivide Planning Area 20B into 20B and 20D; and revise the unit count and density within all subareas of Planning Area 20. The subject property is located northwest of Sorenstam Drive in Phase 4 of the Oak Valley & SCPGA Golf Course Specific Plan.

  • Recommended Action:

    Hold a public hearing; and

    Waive the first full reading and approve by title only, an “Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Beaumont, California, Approving an Amended Development Agreement by and between the City of Beaumont and Meritage Homes of California, Inc.”

Environmental review of a Capital Improvement Project (CIP) R-12 to extend Second Street from the westerly boundary of the Home Depot shopping center to the proposed intersection at Pennsylvania Avenue.

  • Recommended Action:

    Hold a public hearing; and,

    Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation and Monitoring Reporting Program for the Second Street Extension Project; and,

    Direct staff to prepare a Notice of Determination to be filed with the Riverside County Clerk Recorder.

A California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Addendum to the previously approved Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Beaumont Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade/Expansion and Brine Pipeline to analyze impacts for the Mesa Lift Station and Force Main Project (CIP Projects WW-04 and WW-05).

  • Recommended Action:

    Hold a Public Hearing and Adopt Addendum No. 1 to the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Beaumont Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade/Expansion and Brine Pipeline (Capital Improvement Projects WW-04 and WW-05); and
    Direct staff to prepare a Notice of Determination to be filed with the Riverside County Clerk Recorder.

Adoption of an Ordinance Amending Beaumont Municipal Code Chapter 2.35 – Financial and Audit Committee

  • Recommended Action:

    Hold a Public Hearing and,
    Waive the full reading and approve the first reading by the title only, “An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Beaumont, California, Amending Chapter 2.35 to the City of Beaumont Municipal Code.”

Approval of all Ordinances and Resolutions to be read by title only.

Receive an update on the City’s pension funding status and discuss strategies for long-term stabilization of pension costs.

  • Recommended Action:

    It is recommended that the City Council discuss and provide direction to City staff on the following strategies to address pension volatility and rising costs.

    1. Establish Pension Volatility Reserve
      1. Establish reserve target
      2. Identify funding term
      3. Identify additional funding sources
      4. Identify eligible use scenarios
    2. Further Refine Funding Policy
      1. Annual Pension Update & Analysis
      2. Reserve Targets
      3. Consider a Surplus Use Policy

Review and discussion of Economic Development Committee Policies and Procedures as it relates to number of committee members and meeting frequency.

  • Recommended Action:

    Discuss and provide direction to staff on modifying the Economic Development Committee Policy related to number of members and meeting frequency.

Updated list of streets to be rehabilitated for the 2023 Street Project.

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the combination of CIP Projects R-18, R-08, R-09 R-14, R-15 and approve the proposed Street Project List of approximately 23.6 miles of street rehabilitation.

Approve a First Amendment to the professional services agreement with Z&K Consultants, Inc. (Z&K) for consulting engineering services for technical support and project management.

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve a First Amendment to the professional services agreement with Z&K Consultants, Inc. for consulting engineering services in an amount not to exceed $75,000, with a total contract amount not to exceed $99,900.

Traffic Signal Upgrade at Sixth Street and Beaumont Avenue.

  • Recommended Action:

    Award a public works agreement to Elecnor Belco Electric, Inc. for construction of Citywide Traffic Signal Upgrade at Sixth Street and Beaumont Avenue in an amount not to exceed $151,000; and authorize the City Manager to sign change orders up to an additional $15,000 for a total construction amount of $166,000.

First Amendment to the public works agreement with Crosstown Electrical & Data, Inc.

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve a First Amendment to the public works agreement with Crosstown Electrical & Data, Inc. for annual citywide traffic signal maintenance in an amount not to exceed $145,000.

Update from a previous discussion of the City Council to establish a Sports Field Policy Handbook and recreation fees.

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve the Sport Facility Policy Handbook, and

    Direct staff to include the proposed recommended fees, or modifications thereof, in the Master Fee Schedule.

City staff is requesting that the City Council hold a workshop regarding the Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) and Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) program and Ordinance.

  • Recommended Action:

    Establish Tuesday, February 28, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers as the time, date, and place for the workshop.

Assignment of representation at the San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency and San Gorgonio Pass Regional Water Alliance.

  • Recommended Action:

    Mayor Martinez to appoint representatives to the San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency and the San Gorgonio Pass Regional Water Alliance.

Review and discussion of proposed amendments to Beaumont Municipal Code Chapter 3.02 – Procurement of Professional Services

  • Recommended Action:

    Discussion and direction to staff.

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve invoices in the amount of  $100,768.75.

Economic Development Committee Report Out and City Council Direction

Finance and Audit Committee Report Out and City Council Direction


The next regular meeting of the Beaumont City Council, Beaumont Financing Authority, the Beaumont Successor Agency (formerly RDA), the Beaumont Utility Authority, the Beaumont Parking Authority and the Beaumont Public Improvement Agency is scheduled for February 7, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise posted.

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