Beaumont Financing Authority
Beaumont Successor Agency (formerly RDA)
Beaumont Utility Authority
Beaumont Parking Authority
Beaumont Public Improvement Authority
Community Facilities Districts: 93-1, 2016-1, 2016-2, 2016-3, 2016-4, 2019-1, 2021-1, 2022-1, and 2023-1

Closed Session: 5:00 PM Regular Meeting: 6:00 PM
550 E. Sixth Street, Beaumont, CA

Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the City Council after distribution of the agenda packets are available for public inspection in the City Clerk’s office at 550 E. 6th Street during normal business hours.


This meeting will will be recorded for live streaming as well as open to public attendance. Please use the following link during the meeting for live stream access:

Public comments will be accepted using the following options.

1. Written comments will be accepted via email and will be read aloud during the corresponding item of the meeting. Public comments shall not exceed three (3) minutes unless otherwise authorized by City Council. Comments can be submitted anytime prior to the meeting as well as during the meeting up until the end of the corresponding item. Please submit your comments to: [email protected] with "Public Comment" in the subject line.

2. Phone-in comments will be accepted by joining a conference line prior to the corresponding  item of the meeting. Public comments shall not exceed three (3) minutes unless otherwise authorized by City Council. Please use the following phone number to join the call (951) 922 - 4845. 

3. In-person comments are accepted by notifying the City Clerk using a provided Request to Speak Form prior to the start of the Public Comment Period. Public comments shall not exceed three (3) minutes unless otherwise authorized by City Council.

In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office using the above email or call (951) 572 - 3196. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting will ensure the best reasonable accommodation.


Mayor Fenn, Mayor Pro Tem Lara, Council Member Voigt, Council Member White, Council Member Martinez

Dennis Dwain Baker v. City of Beaumont et. al., Riv. Co. Sup. Ct. Case No. CVRI2304687

Agency Designated Representative:  City Manager Elizabeth Gibbs or her designee.  
Employee Organizations: Police Officers Association; SEIU; and Unrepresented Employees: Chief of Police, Community Services Director and Manager Professional Technical

Property:   Property described as vacant land with APN Numbers:  418-091-013, 014, 015 and a portion of 016 located North of 5th street and West of Edgar in Beaumont, CA.  
Agency Negotiator:  City Manager Elizabeth Gibbs or her designee.  
Negotiating Parties:  City of Beaumont as potential purchaser and Doug Jones as potential seller.  
Under negotiation:  Price and Terms.

Property:  105 W. 6th Street  (APN 417-064-001). 
Agency Negotiator:  City Manager Elizabeth Gibbs or her designee.  
Negotiating Parties:  City of Beaumont as potential purchaser and David & Emeline Schuelke as potential seller.  
Under Negotiation:  Price and terms.


Mayor Fenn, Mayor Pro Tem Lara, Council Member Voigt, Council Member White, Council Member Martinez

Report out from Closed Session
Action on any Closed Session Items
Action of any Requests for Excused Absence
Pledge of Allegiance
Adjustments to the Agenda
Conflict of Interest Disclosure

Any one person may address the City Council on any matter not on this agenda. If you wish to speak, please fill out a “Public Comment Form” provided at the back table and give it to the City Clerk. There is a three (3) minute time limit on public comments. There will be no sharing or passing of time to another person. State Law prohibits the City Council from discussing or taking actions brought up by your comments.

Items on the consent calendar are taken as one action item unless an item is pulled for further discussion here or at the end of action items. Approval of all Ordinances and Resolutions to be read by title only.

  • Recommended Action:

    Ratify Warrants dated: 

    September 13, 2024

    September 20, 2024

  • Recommended Action:

    Approve Minutes dated September 17, 2024

Performance bond exoneration for street and storm drain improvements associated with Tract Map No. 31470, survey monuments associated with Tract Map No. 27971-9, Sewer improvements associated with Tract No. 31470-4, and street improvements associated with Tract Map No. 31470-3,4,5, and 6.

  • Recommended Action:

    Authorize City staff to issue a Bond Exoneration Letter for Performance and Payment Bonds for (Project / Bond Number / Improvement):

    • Tract Map No. 31470 / 929598681 / Street and Storm Drain
    • Tract Map No. 27971-9 / CMS0348854 / Monumentation
    • Tract Map No. 31470-4 / 92964897 / Sewer
    • Tract Map No. 31470-3,4,5, and 6/ 929644887 / Street

Biennial update of public official conflict of interest disclosure requirements.

  • Recommended Action:

    Waive the full reading and adopt by title only. “A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Beaumont Adopting and Amended Conflict of Interest Code”.

Storm Water Management WQMP/BMP Facilities Covenant and Agreement for Plot Plan (PW2024-0020).

  • Recommended Action:

    Authorize the City Manager to Approve the Storm Water Management WQMP/BMP Facilities Covenant and Agreement for Plot Plan (PP2024-0020), MLC Fairway canyon Phase 4C.

Second reading regarding the adoption of Riverside County Ordinance No. 523 by reference, adding Chapter 8.56 (Riverside County Ordinance No. 523 Control of Vectors) to the Beaumont Municipal Code.

  • Recommended Action:

    Waive the second full reading and adopt by title only, “An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Beaumont, California Adding Chapter 8.56 ‘Control of Vectors” to the Beaumont Municipal Code Adopting by Reference Riverside County Ordinance No. 523, as Amended through 523.3 ‘An Ordinance of the County of Riverside Relating to the Control of Vectors and Incorporating by Reference Ordinance No 75,’ Codified as Chapter 8.36 (‘Control of Vectors’) Et Seq. of Riverside County Code of Ordinances”.

Ad Hoc Meeting to Discuss Truck Routes.

  • Recommended Action:

    Confirm appointed representatives, Mayor Pro Tem Lara and Council Member Voigt and direct staff to contact the cities of Banning and Calimesa.

Beaumont Youth Council Report Out and City Council Direction

Approval of all Ordinances and Resolutions to be read by title only.

Hold two public hearings for the proposed adoption of the 2024 Development Impact Fee Nexus Study and Development Impact Fee Schedule.

  • Recommended Action:

    Staff recommends adopting at the maximum justified fees except for the Storm Drain Fee which is recommended to be adopted at 50% of the maximum justified fee.

    Hold a Public Hearing:

    Waive the full reading and adopt by title only, “A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Beaumont Adopting the City of Beaumont Development Impact Fee Study Update Dated September 6, 2024”.

    Hold a second Public Hearing:

    Waive the full reading and adopt by title only, “A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Beaumont Adopting the City of Beaumont 2024 Development Impact Fee Schedule Set Forth in the City of Beaumont Development Impact Fee Study Update Dated September 6, 2024”.

Tri Pointe Homes has requested an appeal of the City Manager’s Notice of Finding Under Development Agreement dated August 17, 2004.

  • Recommended Action:

    Continue the Public Hearing of Request to Appeal Notice of Finding Under Development Agreement dated August 17, 2004 to the City Council Meeting of November 5, 2024.

Approval of all Ordinances and Resolutions to be read by title only.

Update on Business Incentive Program Use and Proposed New Incentives.

  • Recommended Action:

    Authorize the City Manager to develop and implement the Job Creation and Retention Incentive Program. Provide additional direction to staff on the Business Incentive programs, as appropriate.

Award an Amended and Restated Agreement to IDC Consulting Engineers, Inc. to complete the design for the Pennsylvania Avenue Grade Separation Project (CIP 2017-012). Strategic Plan Target #2- Infrastructure/Projects/Traffic; Priority Level 1; Goal #4 – Develop Penn Grade Separation

  • Recommended Action:

    Award an Amended and Restated Agreement to IDC Consulting Engineers, Inc. to complete the design for the Pennsylvania Avenue Grade Separation Project for an amount not to exceed $1,884,482.

Award an amended and restated professional services agreement to Moffatt Nichol to complete the environmental documentation for the Pennsylvania Avenue Grade Separation Project (CIP 2017-012). Strategic Plan Target #2- Infrastructure/Projects/Traffic; Priority Level 1; Goal #4 – Develop Penn Grade Separation

  • Recommended Action:

    Award an Amended and Restated Professional Services Agreement to Moffatt Nichol to complete the environmental documentation for the Pennsylvania Avenue Grade Separation Project for an amount not to exceed $86,698.

A Resolution of the City of Beaumont declaring its intention to vacate a portion of Euclid Avenue between Third Street and 560 feet south of Third Street and a portion of Third Street between Euclid Avenue and 300 feet east of Euclid Avenue.

  • Recommended Action:

    Waive the full reading and adopt by title only, “A Resolution of The City of Beaumont Declaring its Intention to Vacate a Portion of Euclid Avenue between Third Street and 560 feet south Third Street and a Portion of Third Street between Euclid Avenue and 300 feet east Euclid Avenue”.

City Council requested an item be brought forward to discuss current City-owned properties and their use.

  • Recommended Action:

    Discuss and provide staff to direction.

Economic Development Committee Report Out and City Council Direction

  • Assessment for the need for additional community center(s) (Future)
  • Annexation Agreement with the County (Future)
  • Structural integrity of truck routes (Future)


The next regular meeting of the Beaumont City Council, Beaumont Financing Authority, the Beaumont Successor Agency (formerly RDA), the Beaumont Utility Authority, the Beaumont Parking Authority and the Beaumont Public Improvement Agency is scheduled for Tuesday October 15, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise posted.

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