Waive the full reading and adopt by title only “A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Beaumont, California, Levying the Special Tax in Community Facilities Districts No. 93-1, 2016-1, 2016-2, 2016-3, 2016-4, 2018-1, 2019-1 and 2021-1 and Directing the County Auditor to Collect the Same on the Tax Rolls (93-1, 2016-1, 2016-2, 2016-3, 2016-4, 2018-1, 2019-1 and 2021-1).”
Waive the full reading and adopt by title only “A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Beaumont, California, Levying the Special Tax in Community Facilities Districts No. 93-1 (IA 18) and Directing the County Auditor to Collect the Same on the Tax Rolls (IA 18)” (Recusal - White)
Waive the full reading and adopt by title only “A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Beaumont, California, Levying the Special Tax in Community Facilities Districts No. 93-1 (IA 14 and 14B) and Directing the County Auditor to Collect the Same on the Tax Rolls (IA 14 and 14B).” (Recusal - Fenn)
Waive the full reading and adopt by title only “A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Beaumont, California, Levying the Special Tax in Community Facilities Districts No. 93-1 (IA 9) and Directing the County Auditor to Collect the Same on the Tax Rolls (IA 9).” (Recusal - Martinez)
Waive the full reading and adopt by title only “A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Beaumont, California, Levying the Special Tax in Community Facilities Districts No. 93-1 (IA 8E) and Directing the County Auditor to Collect the Same on the Tax Rolls (IA 8E).” (Recusal - Voigt)